List of Publications

The Olivine Foundation carried out and supported multiple researches after the application of Olivine.

Year (or category)

Date | Author | Institution | Magazine

Name publication | LINK


Date | R.D. Schuiling | Utrecht University

Nickel mining, or …. nickel farming?| LINK


Date | Jens Hartmann et al | Universität Hamburg |Reviews of Geophysics

Enhanced chemical weathering as a geoengineering strategy to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide, supply nutrients, and mitigate ocean acidification (original publication 2013)



Date | R.D. Schuiling| Utrecht University

THE rate of olivine weathering, an expensive myth | LINK


Date | Roelof D.Schuiling and Elke Praagman | Utrecht University

Olivine Hills Mineral water against climate change | LINK


December 6, 2011 | R.D. Schuiling and P.L. de Boer | Utrecht University

Earth System Dynamics: Rolling stones; fast weathering of olivine in shallow seas for cost-effective CO2 capture and mitigation of global warming and ocean acidification.


August 12, 2008 | Siobhan et al. | Economic Geology

Carbon Dioxide Fixation within Mine Wastes of Ultramafic-Hosted Ore Deposits: Examples from the Clinton Creek and Cassiar Chrysotile Deposits, Canada. | Read the article

September 22, 2008 | Keleman & Matter | PNAS

In situ carbonation of peridotite for CO2- reduction | Read the article

November 11, 2008 | Keleman & Matter

In Situ Carbonation of Perodotite for CO2 Storage (and supporting information) | Read the article

November 21, 2008 | PM interview

Utrechtse wetenschapper benadert kabinet met revolutionair plan | Read the article (in Dutch)

June 2008 | Schuiling | Poster

Let the earth help us to save the earth | Open the poster


2007 | proposal for Virgin Earth Challenge

Let the Earth help us to save the Earth” + addendum | Read the proposal

December 6, 2007 | FD, Eshuis

Geraniums interesseren mij niet zo | Read the article (in Dutch)

July 28, 2007 | Schuiling | Wetenschap & Onderwijs

Verkoelend Olivijn | Read the article (in Dutch)

June 21, 2007 | Amanda Albright Olson | PhD thesis

Forsterite Dissolution Kinetic”, a study of batch reactions with Oxalate | Read the study

2006 and before

2006 | R.D.Schuiling & P.Krijgsman

Climatic Change 74 – Enhanced weathering, an effective and cheap tool to sequester CO2 | Read the article

2006 | R.D.Schuiling

Enhanced weathering of olivine as a cheap and sustainable CO2 capture strategy | Read the article

2005 | Huijgen & Comans | ECN-c-05-0741

Mineral CO2 Sequestration by Carbonation of Industrial Residues | Read the article

2003 | Wei | Master Thesis

Technological Evaluation of Sequestration of CO2 by Carbonation | Read the article

1993 | Drever

Drever, The effect of land plants on weathering rates of silicate minerals | Read the article

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Further research

There are still many olivine related subjects to research.