Bingham mine in Utah, size of 27 km3

Bingham mine in Utah, size of 27 km3

There are worldwide thousands more available supplies of olivine than ever required to stop the overdosis of CO2 in the atmosphere and the acidification of oceans.

To balance the emission and removal of CO2 we need annually ~25 Gt olivine, this means a volume of 7 km3 (half of todays miningvolumes of coal, oil and gas burnt). This quantity means very much, but compared with existing practises it is within the reach of modern mining techniques. The greatest mine is in Utah with volume of 27 km3.



Experimental Olivine reactor planned on the Maasvlakte near Rotterdam

Experimental Olivine reactor planned on the Maasvlakte near Rotterdam

One of our proposals deals with the possibility to sequester large volumes of CO2 from the atmosphere by spreading fine-grained olivine in coastal waters in order to adsorb CO2, and counteract the expected acidification of the sea water caused by the rising CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. A pilotproject is being studied.




General characteristics of 15 different enhanced weathering applications

Worldwide area sizes to be considered or potential.
CO2 removal estimated in period of 5-10 yrs (1 ton removes 1.25 ton CO2) and calculations are only rough estimates.
Empty fields means no calculation available.
Applied on land and or waterIntended removal mechanism Additional benefits and savingsOlivine dose, grains of 100 micronArea in ha (estimate)CO2 removal (estimate)
Agricultural landReplacement of liming in fertiliserRaising pH of soil, more effective and less costs≈ 6 ton /hamax 13 billion (only areas with low pH)max ~ 100 Gt
Rice culturesSpreading in wet fields (paddies)Delivery of silica from olivine≈ 6 ton /ha146 million~ 1.1 Gt
Plantations (coffee etc.)Combined with fertilizer spreadBetter crop yields≈ 6 ton /ha20 million~ 0.15 Gt
ForestrySpreading in new plotsDelivery of Mg from olivine≈ 6 ton /ha4 billion~30 Gt
Forest firesSuspension of fine serpentineFaster and more effective quencing ≈ 40% in suspensionwhere applicablereduction of CO2 emissions
Sandy coastsBeachsand replenishmentNo disturbance of sea bottomreplacement in NL: 25 million ton
Coastal protectionArtificial olivine reefsRaise of pH, fish hatching placesNeeds field studies
Tidal flatsLugworms digest olivineRecovery of pH100 gr/m2
Breaking waves in beachwaters Milling to slivers by surfsFast and costless milling, pH riseNeeds field studies
Diatom cultivationBiofuels productionReplacing disputed landbased biodieselNeeds further investigation
Shallow seas (beachwaters)Rolling olivine mill, cheapest way !Recovery of ocean pHUnlimitedUnlimited
Buildings offices, schoolsFiltering by olivine suspensionImproved quality of ‘internal airclimate’ Captured CO2 :75 kg / 250 persons/day
More green biogasOlivine addition in the digesterHigher Methane yields, less smellModest amounts
Phytomining of NickelHarvesting Alyssum plantation (Ni accumulator)Cheap Ni production, 1 kg Ni/500 kg olivine, no costs of traditional procesYield:100 kg Ni/haNo CO2 emission of traditional production process
Rivers near Olivine minesNatural transport and distributionEffective spread in large areas14 milion ton olivine at 10,000 m3 /sec per mine