27 Dec To our great regret Olaf Schuiling died this month at the age 89 years -Olaf was co-founder of the Olivine Foundation Numerous publications and lectures are the proof a genius mind
To our great regret Olaf Schuiling died this month at the age 89 years.
Olaf was co-founder of the Olivine Foundation. We missed him for a couple of years as boardmember and even more as a geochemical pioneer in developing and promoting the possibilities of enhanced weathering of olivine removing carbondioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans.
Numerous publications and lectures are the proof a genius mind. His unique knowledge of the earthcrest, a worldwide reputation as scientist and also his critical views made him a unique person and will remain in the memories of all of his followers.
Summary of his career:
- Utrecht University: Earth sciences
- Utrecht University (full professor, 25 years)
- Unesco Water Institute, Delft (part-time professor, 5 years)
- Initiator of a large number of national and international research projects
- Leader of a number of development cooperation projects (India, Africa).
- Dean of the Faculty for two 4 year periods.
- Supervisor of 59 PhD theses (of which two on the use of olivine to solve environmental problems)